Living Black Scholar Essay

                                Living Black Scholar

You are being asked to write a 12-20 page paper about your scholar/artist. This will be a classic college research paper in which you provide a thesis, analysis and evidence. Your paper should put forward an argument about the work, ideas and philosophy of your scholar/artist. You will discuss the intellectual significance and contributions of your scholar/artist, particularly honing in on some of his or her core ideas. This is not a summary of their thoughts but rather an analysis from your perspective. You should also include in your essay, critique and analysis from others about your scholar/artist. You will need at least 8 primary sources on your scholar/artist and most of these must come from somewhere besides Google. Books, articles, interviews, speeches, etc. are all acceptable. You must also include some counter-arguments, critics to your author’s point of view. Proper citation is imperative, and plagiarism will lead to an F grade.

Due Dates:

Initial Bibliography: Monday Nov. 27th, post on blog, with live links wherever possible, so I can easily access your resources
Introduction with a sketch outline of paper: Dec. 4
Teaching your scholar to class community: Dec. 11
Final Draft: Tuesday Dec. 19th

Source for how to cite MLA style PurdueOwl 

Easy Bib, Noodle

Below is a research paper from a few years back that represents a strong example of a well researched and well written essay. This paper can also inform your paper on black liberation and you can cite it. 


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